Rockaway Beach


We submitted our RAISE Grant Application! And we are so appreciative of all the folks who helped us get this done — including the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners, their Chief of Staff, the Board Assistant, The City of Rockaway Beach Commissioners, the City Manager, and City Planner, The Tillamook Coast Visitors Association, Alta Planning + Design, and everyone who sent a letter of support, Thank you!

Thank you for your support!

Here is a Sample Letter — feel free to copy and paste what you like. If you are part of an organization/business with a logo, and/or you would like to send your signature, you can email the logo to or text it to 503-231-4745.

For the signature, you can sign a white piece of paper with a bold pen and and send it. If you’d like a copy of your signature returned to you so that you can have it for future projects, please let me know!