Let’s Clear Some Trail!
The following outlines a trail stewardship event for Sunday, April 2, 2023, at 10 AM in the Buxton, Oregon, area. We’d love to have you join us!
What: Remove invasive species, cut small trees, shrubs, and thorny brush on the railroad tracks. Pick up trash.
When: 10 AM, Sunday, April 2, done by 2 PM
Bring: A tool such as a rake, pruning saw, or loppers. Power tools such as a string trimmer or hedge trimmer are OK, provided they are safely used. No “swinging” tools, for example, machetes, etc.). Also, bring water and lunch.
Wear: Gloves, long sleeves, jeans, boots.
Where: Meet at the intersection of NW Fisher Road and Route 47 Nehalem Highway. The parking area is on the east side of Hwy 47 and north of NW Fisher Road. Fisher Road is 0.4 miles north of Hwy 26. GPS coordinates are:
45°41'18.5"N 123°11'45.1"W
45.688483, -123.195870
Facilities are located at the Buxton and Manning Trailheads (about one mile away).
Youth are welcome on this project.
We will begin by reviewing safety protocols, identifying invasive species, and reviewing the work plan for the day. We will organize into small groups, each led by a Salmonberry Trail team member. Groups will spread out and will have a mix of tools to use. The goal is to be safe, have fun, and clear one mile of track between Fisher Road and Williams CreekTrestle!
Please RSVP to accept the liability waiver, and provide your contact information. In the event of a cancellation due to weather, we will reach you using this contact information.